DataSunrise Sensitive Data Discovery for MySQL
To ensure freely use of your MySQL database with sensitive data in there without risking its leaks, give preference to DataSunrise that has integrated Sensitive Data Discovery tools. Locate objects that require the most efficient data privacy and protection and take care of your encryption problem by applying masking, security and audit rules.
Solution to the sensitive information protection problem that takes primacy in your priorities is DataSunrise with its built-in Data Discovery tool for tracking confidential data in order to keep it safe.
Relevant information is identified by special filtering according to types of data resided in a database. DataSunrise provides default data type settings that classified information as financial (i.e. credit card numbers, codes, etc.), geographic (i.e. names of cities, countries, ZIP codes), personal, medical, names, telephone/fax numbers, SSNs, account numbers, dates, email addresses, website credentials, URLs, etc.
Along with default data types, DataSunrise allows to preset user’s own filters by specifying templates for column names and contents.
The exact place for search may be defined as well. It is easily achieved by typing in a database name, a schema and/or a table.

After sensitive data has been successfully identified and located several options are given to secure its privacy:
- Masking Rule that allows to completely conceal data or keep it obscure;
- Audit Rule that helps to monitor operations with data;
- Security Rule that is dedicated to control access to it.
Increase MySQL security: be confident sensitive data remains confidential, integral and available only to authorized users.